Payment methods

So that you can decide for yourself how you want to pay your toy order with us, we offer you a wide selection of different payment options at Select your optimal payment method:

Visa, Mastercard, Postfinance Card, E-Finance and Twint


Pay safely and inexpensively. Saving your purchase directly with your visa, Mastercard, Postfinance Card or via e-finance. Payment is protected with leading security and fraud prevention systems, as well as SSL encryption. For safety reasons, we do not save your credit card data.

Surcharge: CHF 0.-



Buy safely and conveniently. Simply pay through your PayPal account or by credit card, payment is made via a secure, encrypted connection. For safety reasons, we do not save your PayPal data.

Surcharge: CHF 0.-

The invoice

We are happy to supply private individuals with residence in Switzerland, as well as companies and organizations with entry in the Swiss commercial register, after a successful address examination against invoice, payable within 14 days of receipt of the goods. The invoice is sent with the package and contains all the necessary information (IBAN, account no. Etc.) for payment via the bank or at the post office.

Surcharge: CHF 5.- (Administration costs)

Bank transfer

(CHF) IBAN: CH31 0023 5235 2444 8001 D
(EUR) IBAN: CH58 0023 5235 2444 8060 T